How Can you help us?
By joining us:
Join us and help make SWB dreams come true! Here are some ways you can get involved:
donating the proceeds from a fundraising event - gospel music concert, fashion show, auction, or gala dinner - to SWB
supporting SWB fundraising events in your community
helping us connect with your community by forming the SWB local committee
becoming more aware of our work (exploring our website is a great first step!)
spreading the word about what we do – something as simple as passing along a brochure,a printed material from this website or our internet web address to a friend or business colleague
SWB welcomes your support all! Remain Blessed.
By Donating:
You can donate by sending us the donor pledge form or by paying using our secure online payment
By planning an event:
SWB expects great support from both community groups and corporate workplaces that would host events with all proceeds going to make SWB dreams come true.
Fundraising events vary widely across the country and every community finds activities that suit its local flavour.
Golf tournaments are popular just about everywhere and curling bonspiels and bowlathons are great fundraisers for the winter months
Galas and specialty events are also excellent ways to raise funds and SWB s public profile
Gospel Music concert has found to be a good mean to organise fundraising
Recyclable material events, collecting recyclable material from your area and sell them and proceedings go to SWB
To support SWB at your workplace, funds can be donated through casual days, raffles/silent auctions and matching gifts programs.
SWB needs experienced staff who can assist others getting started. Please your experience in fundraising is very valuable to us! Contact us to help us through.
You could also approach local service clubs - such as Optimists, Lions Club or Rotary - to plan an event together using their volunteer resources
Through organizing a fundraising event for SWB, you can help raise the funds needed to make dreams come true
By getting involved as a volunteer:
Volunteers form the very heart of our organization. They give their time and skills not for personal gain or praise, but to make a difference in the world and to bring a little SWB into the lives of Canada’s and Congo-DRC's special children, women, men and peasants. You can make a difference to SWB through volunteering:
Planning and helping out with a fundraiser such as a golf tournament or children’s art auction, gospel music concert
Putting on SWB Ti-Shirts ,
Bearing costume and become our mascot for the day
Working with a families to present a dream to their child
Meeting with local businesses, community groups and media to build support for SWB
Helping keep other volunteers informed of important developments in your community